
الخميس، 12 أبريل 2018

اختبار قواعد اللغه الانجليزية الزمن المستقبل المستمر

◽️#Quiz قواعد الانجليزية ☑️اختبار◾️
◽️#Tenses_Quiz ◾️2◾️اختبار للأزمنة
‎◽️#دروس_عمر_الاسمر 😍
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◾️حاول حل الاسئلة قبل النظر الى الإجابة الصحيحة
◾️هكذا تستفيد اكثر حاول حل الاسئلة بنفسك☑️
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Future Continuous - زمن المستقبل المستمر

◾️1. I ________ during rush hour.
 1️⃣will be driving
 2️⃣will have drive
3️⃣ will be drive
◾️2. He will not be _____ the bus today.
◾️3. They ________ the cottage that weekend.
2️⃣ 'll be using
 3️⃣'re be using
◾️4. Nigel _____ be coming to the picnic.
 2️⃣won't not
◾️5. Where ________ sleeping?
 1️⃣you be
 2️⃣will you
 3️⃣will you be
◾️6. We'll be ________ the news at 10pm.
 3️⃣to watch
◾️7. I'll try my best to spot you. What ________ wearing?
 1️⃣will you
 3️⃣will you be
◾️8. Don't forget your snowpants. It ________ by the time you get to school.
 1️⃣will snowing
 2️⃣is snowing
 3️⃣will be snowing
◾️9. At noon tomorrow, I ________ on a beach somewhere.
1️⃣ 'll be relaxing
 3️⃣will being relax
◾️10. Sorry, I can't. I ________ my daughter to work at that time.
1️⃣ will be taking
2️⃣ 'll take
 3️⃣won't be take

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‎◽️الاجوبة الصحيحة ☑️
◽️The correct answers ✅

◾️1. will be driving
◾️2. taking
◾️3. 'll be using
◾️4. won't
◾️5. will you be
◾️6. watching
◾️7. will you be
◾️8. will be snowing
◾️9. 'll be relaxing
◾️10. will be taking

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Omer Al Asmar ☑️

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